Conference presentations
Hernández-Torrano, D., & Ibrayeva, L. (2020, June). Mental Well-being in University Students: A Bibliometric Mapping of the Literature (1975-2020). Paper accepted to the 10th European Conference on Positive Psychology, Reyjkavik, Island (June 27-29, 2020). Postponed to 2022.
Hernández-Torrano, D., Ibrayeva, L., Sparks, J., Lim, N., Clementi, A., Almukhambetova, A., Nurtayev, Y., & Muratkyzy, A. (2020, July). Mental health and well-being in university students: A bibliometric mapping of the literature. Paper accepted to the Psychology in the 21st century. Open minds, societies, and world. Prague, Czech Republic (July 24-29). Postponed to 2021.
Hernández-Torrano, D., Ibrayeva, L., Sparks, J., Lim, N., Clementi, A., Almukhambetova, A., Nurtayev, Y., & Muratkyzy, A. (2020, March). Reviewing the Literature on Mental Health and Well-being in University Students: A Bibliometric Analysis over 45 years. Paper accepted to The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, Tokio, Japan (March 26 – 29, 2020). Postponed to 2021.
Hernández-Torrano, D. Somerton, M., & Helmer, J. (2020, August). Mapping Research on Inclusive Education since Salamanca Statement: A bibliometric review of the literature over 25 years. Paper accepted to the Annual European Conference on Education Research (ECER), Glasgow, United Kindgom (23-28 August, 2020). Cancelled.
Hernández-Torrano, D., Ibrayeva, L., Clementi, A., Almukhambetova, A., Murakyzy, A. (2020, August). Mental Health and Well-being of University Students: A bibliometric mapping of the literature. Paper accepted to the Annual European Conference on Education Research (ECER), Glasgow, United Kindgom (23-28 August, 2020). Cancelled.
Ibrayeva, L, & Hernández-Torrano, D. (2020, August). Creativity and Education: A Bibliometric Mapping of the Research Literature (1975–2019). Paper accepted to the Annual European Conference on Education Research (ECER), Glasgow, United Kindgom (23-28 August, 2020). Cancelled.
Helmer, J. Kasa, R., Makoelle, T. M., Tazhiyeva, A., Somerton, M., Hernández-Torrano, D. & Ajodhia, A. (December, 2018). Kazakhstan: Supporting inclusive education through school based Resource Centres. Paper presented at the World Congress on Special Needs Education (WCSNE). Cambridge, UK.
Faucher, C., Hernández-Torrano, D., Tynybayeva, M., CohenMiller, A. S., Kurakbayev, K., (March, 2017). School psychology in context: Perception, challenges and students’ wellbeing in mainstream Kazakhstani schools. Paper presented at the Annual Comparative and International Education Society Meeting, “Problematizing (In)equality”, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America.
Hernández-Torrano, D., & Faucher, C. (May, 2017). Young people’s wellbeing and school engagement in Kazakhstan. Paper presented at the International Scientifically-Practical Conference “Tolerance in Contemporary Education”, Astana, Kazakhstan.
McLellan, R., Hernandez-Torrano, D., Liz, W., Brown Hajdukova, E. (2016, November). Conceptualising, Adapting and Measuring Young People’s Wellbeing in Secondary Schools in Kazakhstan. Paper presented at the Kazakhstan Research Programme Seminar Series. Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Kurakbayev, K., Winter, L., & Hernández-Torrano, D., (November, 2016). Translating the new assessment regime from the center to the periphery: the case of Kazakhstan. Paper presented at the Inaugural symposium of the Comparative and International Education Society The Possibility and Desirability of Global Learning Metrics: Comparative Perspectives on Education Research, Policy and Practice, Scottsdale, AZ, United States.
Hernández-Torrano, D., Winter, L., & McLellan, R. (2016, October). Developing a holistic, context-specific model to study young people's wellbeing in Kazakhstan. Paper presented at the VII International Research-to-Practice Conference Taking Change to Scale in Education: Piloting and Dissemination, Astana, Kazakhstan.
Hernández-Torrano, D., & Tursunbayeva, X. (2016, August). Teachers’ Conceptions and Beliefs about Gifted Education in Kazakhstan. Paper presented at the European Education Research Association Annual Conference 2016, Dublin, Ireland.
McLellan, R., Winter, L., & Hernández-Torrano, D. (August, 2016). Mapping Young People’s Wellbeing in Kazakhstan. Paper presented at the European Education Research Association Annual Conference 2016, Dublin, Ireland.
CohenMiller, A., Faucher, C., Kurakbayev, K., & Hernández-Torrano, D., (August, 2016). Conceptualizing Well-being: A grounded theory study of Kazakhstani school psychologists. Paper to presented at the European Education Research Association Annual Conference 2016, Dublin, Ireland.
McLellan, R., Winter, L., & Hernández-Torrano, D. (2016, April). A Model of Wellbeing in the Post-Soviet Context of Kazakhstan. Paper presented at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference 2016, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
Hernández-Torrano, D., & Tursunbayeva, X. (2016, March). Are teachers biased when nominating students for gifted services? Evidence from Eurasia. Paper presented at the 15th International ECHA Conference "Talents in Motion", Encouraging the Gifted in the context of Migration and Intercultural Exchange, Vienna, Austria.
Winter, L., McLellan, R., Hernandez-Torrano, D., (2016, March). From the UK to Kazakhstan: understanding, adapting and measuring school students' wellbeing and engagement in schools. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Toronto, Canada.
McLellan, R., Winter, L., Brown-Hajdukova, E., Hernández-Torrano, D., Faucher, C., & Kurakbayev, K. (2015, October). Exploring Young People’s Well-being in Kazakhstan. Paper presented at the Annual International Research-to-Practice Conference 'Research and Sustanable Development', Astana, Kazakhstan.
Hernandez-Torrano, D., & Tursunbayeva, X. (2015, September). Teachers referrals for gifted programs in Kazakhstan: The role of gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Paper presented at the European Education Research Association Annual Conference, Budapest, Hungary. [see doc #4].
Hernandez-Torrano, D., & Tursunbayeva, X. (2015, September). Teachers referrals for gifted programs in Kazakhstan: The role of gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Paper presented at the European Education Research Association Annual Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
Winter, L., Hernandez-Torrano, D., McLellan, R., Tynybayeva, M., & Soltanbekova, A. (2015, September). A test of learning, certification or accountability? Perceptions of standardized testing in Kazakhstan. Paper presented at the European Education Research Association Annual Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
Hernandez-Torrano, D. & Tursenbayeva, X. (2014, November). Teacher conceptions and practices related to gifted education in Kazakhstan. Poster presented at the 2nd Nazarbayev University Research Week, Astana, Kazakhstan.
Hernandez-Torrano, D. (2014, October). Teacher's conceptions of giftedness in Kazakhstan". Paper presented at the Annual International Research-to-Practice Conference 'Education Policy, Practice and Research', Astana, Kazakhstan.
Shamatov, D., & Hernandez-Torrano, D. (2014, May). Developing graduate students’ research skills in Central Asia. Paper presented at the ASEEES-CESS Regional Conference, Astana, Kazakhstan.
Hernandez-Torrano, D., Shamatov, D. (2014, March). Conceptual and methodological issues of developing research capacity in Central Asia. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Educational Society Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Hernández-Torrano, D., & Abisheva, I., (2013, November). Test and non-test criteria for the identification of gifted and talented students. Paper presented at Research-to-practice Leadership Conference, Astana (Kazakhstan).
Prieto, M. D., Hernández, D., Bermejo, M. R., & Soto. G. (2012, September). Inteligencia sintético-creativa: Diferentes formas de evaluarla [Creative-Synthetic intelligence: Different procedures to assess it]. Paper presented to the 21st Annual World Congress of Learning Desabilities, Oviedo (Spain).
Ferrándiz, C., Ferrando, M., & Hernández, D. (2012, September). Diseño de perfiles de los alumnos identificados como superdotados con la Batería Aurora [Design of profiles of students identified as gifted with Aurora Battery]. Paper presented to the 21st Annual World Congress of Learning Desabilities, Oviedo (Spain).
Saranli. A. G., & Hernández, D. (2012, July). Schoolwide Enrichment Model: A cross-cultural perspective. Paper presented at Confratute 2012: Summer Institute for Enrichment Education, Storrs (USA).
Fernández, M. C., Almeida, L., Bermejo, M. R., Sáinz, M., & Hernández, D. (2012, July). Inteligencia emocional y social en adolescentes con altas habilidades [Emotional and social intelligence in gifted adolescents]. Paper presented at the II Seminário Internacional Contributos da Psicologia em Contextos Educativos, Braga (Portugal).
Ferrándiz, C., Ferrando, M., Hernández, D., Fernández, M. C, Llor, L., Soto, G., & Sáinz, M. (2011, November). Competencias socio‐emocionales y rasgos de personalidad de los talentos verbales y matemáticos [Socio-emotional competencies and personality traits of verbal and mathematical talents]. Paper presented at the Congress Sobredotaçao e talento: Atençao da escola à diversidade, Braga (Portugal).
Bermejo, R., Almeida, L., Sainz, M., Fernández, M. C., Hernández, D., & Ferrando, M. (2011, July). Evaluación de la inteligencia emocional como rasgo: Análisis del cuestionario TEIQue-ASF [Trait emotional intelligence assessment: Analysis of questionnaire TEIQue-ASF]. Paper presented at the VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Avallação/Evaluación Psicológica. XV Conferencia Internacional Avallação Psicológica: Formas e Contextos, Lisboa (Portugal).
Ferrando, M., Sainz, M., Prieto, M. D., & Hernández, D. (2011, July). Creative profile and personality traits: Individual Differences and Prediction. Paper presented at the 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul (Turkey).
Hernández, D. (2010, July). Relación entre las habilidades emocionales de los adolescentes y el rendimiento [Relationship between emotional abilities and performance in adolescence]. Paper presented at the VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología (FIAP), Oviedo (Spain).
Hernández, D., Ferrándiz, C., Bermejo, M. R., & Llor, L. (2010, July). Claves para el proceso de screening en la identificación de alumnos de altas habilidades desde el modelo de las inteligencias múltiples [Keys in the screening process in the identification high ability students from the model of multiple intelligences]. Paper presented at the I Seminario Internacional Contributos da Psicologia en Contextos Educativos, Braga (Portugal).
Ferrando, M., Sáinz, M., Prieto, M. D., & Hernández, D. (2010, July). Creatividad y alta habilidad [Creativity and high ability]. Paper presented at the I Seminario Internacional Contributos da Psicologia en Contextos Educativos, Braga (Portugal).
Sainz, M., Fernández, M. C., Hernández, D., & Ferrando, M. (2010, July). Inteligencia Emocional y Alta Habilidad: Estudios de la Universidad de Murcia [Emotional intelligence and high ability: Studies at the University of Murcia]. Paper presented at the I Seminario Internacional Contributos da Psicologia en Contextos Educativos, Braga (Portugal).
Ferrándiz, C., Sáinz, M., Hernández, D., & Ferrando, M. (2010, June). The Aurora Battery in the Spanish Context. Paper presented at Excellence in Education 2010: Research. Strategic planning. Development. Organized by the International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE), Athens (Greece).
Hernández, D., Ferrándiz, C., & Bermejo, M. R. (2010, March). Inteligencia analítica, práctica y competencia socio-emocional [Analytical, practical and socio-emotional competence]. Paper presented at the II Congreso Internacional de Convivencia Escolar: Variables Psicológicas y Educativas Implicadas, Almería (Spain).
Ferrando, M., Fernández, M. C., Sainz, M., Hernandez, D., & Soto G. (2009, October). Emotional Intelligence in Gifted and Talented Children. Paper presented at the II Westpomeranian Educational Congress, Szczecin (Poland).
Hernández, D., Soto, G., Sainz, M., & Llor, L. (2009, September). Analytical and practical intelligence in the study of high ability. Paper presented at the European Congress of Educational Research (ECER), Vienne (Austria).
Ferrando, M., Prieto, M. D., Hernandez, D., & Fernandez, M. C. (2009, September). Trait Emotional Intelligence: Age and gender. Paper presented at the European Congress of Educational Research (ECER), Vienne (Austria).
Hernández, D., Ferrándiz, C., Sáinz, M., Fernández, M. C., & Ferrando, M. (2009, September). Internal consistency and internal structure of the EQ:i-YV in a sample of gifted and talented students. Paper presented at the 10th European Conference on Psychological Assessment, Gante (Belgium).
Hernández, D., Almeida, L., Prieto, L. Ferrando, M., & Llor, L. (2009, August). Estructura interna y fiabilidad del EQ-i:YV y EQ-i:YV-O en adolescentes con alta habilidad intelectual [Internal structure and reliability of the EQ-i: YV and EQ-i: YV-O in adolescents with high intellectual ability]. Paper presented at the II Congreso Internacional de Inteligencia Emocional, Santander (Spain).
Ferrando, M., Tan, M., Almeida, L., Hernández, D., Sainz, M., & Fernández, M. C. (2009, August). Inteligencia académica, exitosa y emocional: ¿Un mismo constructo? [Academic, successful, and emotional intelligence: ¿The same construct?]. Paper presented at the XIV Conferência Internacional de Avaliação Psicológica and the IV Congresso Brasileiro de Avaliação Psicológica (IBAP), Campinas (Brazil).
Grigorenko, E., Ferrando, M., Ferrándiz, C., Hernández, D., Bermejo, R., & Prieto, L. (2009, August). Evaluación de la inteligencia exitosa: Un estudio empírico [Successful intelligence assessment: An empirical study]. Paper presented at the XIV Conferência Internacional de Avaliação Psicológica and the IV Congresso Brasileiro de Avaliação Psicológica (IBAP), Campinas (Brazil).
Ferrando, M., Bermejo, M. R., Hernández, D., Sáinz, M., & Ferrándiz, C. (2009, July). Socio-emotional competence, creativity and intellectual performance in G/T children. Paper presented at the International Conference Excellence: Education & Human Development, Athens, (Greece).
Ferrando, M., Bermejo, M. R., Hernández, D., Sáinz, M., & Ferrándiz, C. (2009, July). Internal validity of EQ-i:YV Inventory: A study with a sample of gifted and talented students. Paper presented at the International Conference Excellence: Education & Human Development, Athens, (Greece).
Hernández, D. (2009, July). Evaluación de las Inteligencias Múltiples (I.M.) Detección y aprovechamiento de las fortalezas de cada persona [Evaluation of Multiple Intelligences (MI) Detection and use of one’s strengths]. Invited presentation at the Congreso FNCE Inteligencias Múltiples: Aprender a aprender, Bilbao (Spain).
Hernández, D., Sáinz, M., Ferrando, M., Bermejo, M. R., & Llor, L. (2009, April). Inteligencia exitosa: Un nuevo modelo para el estudio, identificación y respuesta educativa de los alumnos de altas habilidades [Successful intelligence: A new model for the study, identification and educational response of high ability students]. Paper presented at the XVI Congreso INFAD: Psicología y Sociedad en el S. XXI, Competencias relacionales, Turin (Italy).
Hernández, D., Soto, G., Llor, L., Sánchez, C., & Sáinz, M. (2009, April). Diferencias en rasgos de personalidad entre adolescentes de altas habilidades y de habilidades intelectuales medias [Differences in personality traits among high ability adolescents and average intellectual abilities]. Paper presented at the XVI Congreso INFAD: Psicología y Sociedad en el S. XXI, Competencias relacionales, Torino (Italy).
Hernández, D., Fernández, M. C., Ferrándiz, C., Prieto, M. D., Soto, G., & López-Pina, J. A. (2009, April). Socio-emotional profile of gifted and talented students. Paper presented at the XVI Congreso INFAD: Psicología y Sociedad en el S. XXI, Competencias relacionales, Torino (Italy).
Prieto, M. D., Hernández, D., Ferrando, M., Fernández, M. C., Sainz, M., Sanchez, C., & Soto, G. (2008, November). Política Educativa de los alumnos superdotados y talentos en la Región de Murcia (España) [Educational Policy on gifted and talents students in the Region of Murcia (Spain)]. Paper presented at the International Conference of Excellence and Superior Performance (ICESP), Braga (Portugal).
Ferrando, M., Ferrándiz, C., Prieto, M. D., Bermejo, M. R., Sáinz, M., & Hernández, D. (2008, October). Is there any relationship between creative intelligence and emotional intelligence? Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Intelligence and Creativity (ICIC), organized by Psychological Institute IV of Muenster University y Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Munster (Germany).
Bermejo, M. R., Ferrándiz, C., Ferrando, M., Garrido, C. F., Hernández, D., Fernández, M. C., Rojo, A., Sainz, M., & Sánchez, C. (2008, July). Spanish Gifted And Talented Policy. Paper presented at ICIE Paris Conference 2008. Introduction of How is G/T Education in Your Country, Paris (France).
Prieto, M. D., Ferrándiz, C., Sánchez, C., & Hernández, D. (2008, May). Identificación del alumnado de Secundaria con altas capacidades intelectuales en centros de la Región de Murcia [Identification of secondary, high abilities students in the Region of Murcia]. Paper presented at IV Jornadas de respuesta educativa a las altas capacidades, Murcia (Spain).
Rojo, A., Sánchez, C., Sáinz, M., Fernández, M. C., & Hernández, D. (2008, April). Un programa de enriquecimiento para superdotados y talentosos [An enrichment program for gifted and talented]. Paper presented at the V Congreso Internacional de Psicología y Educación: Los Retos del Futuro, Oviedo (Spain).
Sánchez, C., Fernández, M.C., Sáinz, M., Hernández, D., & Ferrando, M. (2008, April). Inteligencias múltiples y alta habilidad [Multiples intelligences and high abilities]. Paper presented at the V Congreso Internacional de Psicología y Educación: Los Retos del Futuro, Oviedo (Spain).
Bermejo, M. R., Ferrándiz, C., Ferrando, M., Lopez-Piña, J. L., Prieto, L, Hernández, D., & Sáinz, M. (2008, March). Exploring the Entire Spectrum of Giftedness: A study in Spanish Schools. Paper presented at the Symposium: The Aurora Project: Exploring the Entire Spectrum of Giftedness en la AERA American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York (United States).
Prieto, M. D., Sánchez, C., Fernández, M. C., Rojo, A., & Hernández, D. (2008, February). Percepción de las Inteligencias Múltiples de profesores y alumnos de altas habilidades [Teachers and self’s perception of high ability students’ multiple intelligences]. Paper presented at the VII Congresso da ANEIS, Coimbra (Portugal).
Hernández, D., Serna, B., Bermejo, M. R., & Bay, L. (2007, September). Inteligencia emocional y autoconcepto [Emotional intelligence and self-concept]. Paper presented at the I Congreso Internacional de Inteligencia Emocional, Málaga (Spain).
Ferrando, M., Ferrándiz, C., Prieto, M. D., & Hernández, D. (2007, September). Exploración de las relaciones entre la inteligencia emocional autopercibida y los rasgos de personalidad [Exploring the relationship between self-perceived emotional intelligence and personality traits]. Paper presented at the I Congreso Internacional de Inteligencia Emocional, Málaga (Spain).
Ferrando, M., Sánchez, C., López-Piña, J. A., Serna, B., Hernández, D., & Prieto, M. D. (2007, September). Differences in Emotional Intelligence According to Gender and Age. Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, London (United Kingdom).
Ferrando, M., Ferrándiz, C., López, J. A., Hernández, D., Serna, B., & Prieto, M. D. (2007, September). Emotional Intelligence and self-concept. Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, London (United Kingdom).
Bayley, R., Ferrando, M., Hernández, D., & Prieto, M. D. (2007, September). Creativity in Gifted and Non-Gifted: An Empirical Study. Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, London (United Kingdom).
Ferrando, M., Ferrándiz, C., Prieto, M. D., Sánchez, C., Hernández, D., Serna, B., & López, J. A. (2007, August). Socio-Emotional Intelligence in G&T and Non-G&T Pupils. Paper presented at the 17th Biennial World Conference for Gifted and Talented Children, Warwick (United Kingdom).
Sánchez, C., Prieto, M. D., Ferrando, M., Ferrándiz, C., Hernández, D., Serna, B., & López, J.A. (2007, August). Assessment and Identification of Cognitive Profile of Gifted and Talented Children. Paper presented at the 17th Biennial World Conference for Gifted and Talented Children, Warwick (United Kingdom).
Ferrándiz, C., Ferrando, M., Sánchez, C., Petrides, K. V., Hernández, D., & Prieto, M.D. (2007, July). Creativity and Emotional Intelligence according to different degrees. Poster presented at the 13º Biennial Meeting of the Internacional Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID), Giesen (Germany).
Prieto, L., Ferrando, M., Ferrándiz, C., Sánchez, C., Rojo, A., Fernández, M. C., Serna, B., & Hernández, D. (2007, March). Creatividad e inteligencia emocional en alumnos de altas habilidades [Creativity and emotional intelligence in high ability students]. Paper presented at the I Congreso Internacional de la Comunidad de Madrid Altas Capacidades: Un Desafío Educativo, Madrid (Spain).
Prieto, M. D., Sánchez, C., Ferrándiz, C., Ferrando, M., Parra, J., Serna, B., Hernández, D., & Fernández, M. C. (2007, February). Identificación de alumnos con altas habilidades en centros educativos de la Región de Murcia [Identification of high ability students in schools in the Region of Murcia]. Paper presented at I Jornadas de comunicación e intercambio de experiencias ICE, celebrado en Murcia (Spain).
Prieto, M. D., Sánchez, C., Ferrándiz, C., Ferrando, M., Parra, J., Serna, B., Hernández, D., & Fernández, M. C. (2007, February). Estudio de los perfiles cognitivos-emocionales y respuesta educativa para los alumnos superdotados y talentosos [Study of the cognitive-emotional profile and the educational response of the gifted and the talented]. Paper presented at I Jornadas de comunicación e intercambio de experiencias ICE, celebrado en Murcia (Spain).